
Changes To Visa Waiver Program (VWP)

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has begun implementing changes to its visa policies that will make it harder for some travelers to enter the country under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). This essentially means that the nationals of certain countries are no longer eligible to enter the United States under the VWP, with particular focus on their recent travel histories. The VWP allows eligible nationals of 38 countries to travel temporarily, for up to 90 days,…

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What is Expanded DACA?

President Obama announced, under his Executive Order, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in June of 2012 that allows certain undocumented immigrants who entered the United States prior to their sixteenth birthday to receive a work permit and exemption from deportation. In November of 2014, President Obama announced changes to DACA which would expand it to include illegal immigrants, expand the entry date, eliminate the requirement that applicants be younger than 31 years old, and lengthen…

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How Justice Scalia’s Death Will Affect DAPA

The future of the United States Supreme Court, and an estimated four million immigrants affected by its upcoming decision on DAPA, lies in the balance due to the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the former leader of the court’s dominant conservative contingency.  There is no way for Scalia's seat to be filled before the DAPA hearing (United States v. Texas), which is scheduled to commence in April.  Thus, Justice Scalia’s death leaves the court with two…

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New Jersey Immigration Attorney Edward Shulman Answers Questions About DAPA

New Jersey Immigration Attorney Edward Shulman, who is the founder of the Shulman Law Group, LLC in Paterson, New Jersey spoke to Passaic county residents last Saturday about the proposed DAPA program.  Following his lecture, Attorney Shulman provided a Question and Answer period for the lecture participants about DAPA.  Below are the highlights of Mr. Shulman's DAPA lecture, which he thought would be helpful for all clients and intending immigrants interested in learning more about DAPA.…

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What Is DAPA?

The Supreme Court has agreed to review the case regarding President Obama's Immigration Executive Actions that he initially proposed on November 20, 2014.  Among the Executive Actions is an exciting new deferred action program called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, also known as DAPA.  To qualify for DAPA, an individual must meet certain eligibility requirements relating to their entry into the United States and parental relationship with a U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident and also…

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Republican Opposition To Immigration Reform May Have Parodoxical Effect

Immigration reform advocates have been forwarding the hypothesis that the more strident the Republican candidates remain against immigration reform, the more it may actually backfire. The idea is that the longer candidates like Trump and Cruz spend talking in extremist terms about borders, walls, immigration raids, and deportation, the more Latinos and other minority groups will be galvanized to vote for pro-immigration candidates during the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election.  "The more these candidates continue attacking and…

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Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Obama’s Immigration Case On Executive Action

The Supreme Court of the United States, which is this nation's highest court, has decided to review President Obama's controversial case regarding executive actions on immigration that he initially set forth back in November of 2014.  These executive actions, which would shield approximately 5 million immigrants from deportation, were stalled when a Texas Judge ruled that the president had overstepped his legal authority when he issued these immigration-related executive orders.  The suit was spearheaded by Texas…

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New Voice-activated Virtual Assistant On USCIS Website

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently installed a new computer-generated, voice-activated assistant program, called "Emma" to provide the public with a new process for asking and obtaining answers to immigration-related questions.  In order to operate "Emma," all you need to do is to click the “Ask a Question link in the upper right corner of the USCIS home page or type the following into your search engine bar:  "Emma" will always type…

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Raids Target Undocumented Immigrants

Approximately 120 undocumented individuals from Central America were arrested this past weekend and are currently in the process of being deported to their home countries, the Department of Homeland Security announced yesterday.  Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the undocumented immigrants were primarily arrested in the States of Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina.  Reportedly, the weekend raids focused on those who arrived recently, mainly from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Immigration advocates and activists are trying to educate the public…

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Edward Shulman Honored For Outstanding Practice Of Immigration Law

Immigration Attorney Edward Shulman, Principal and Founder of the Shulman Law Group, LLC, in Paterson, New Jersey, has been recognized in Best Lawyers in America and Super Lawyers for 2016 in the field of Immigration Law. Mr. Shulman has 20 years of professional expertise in all aspects of U.S. immigration and nationality law. He specializes in complex deportation, as well as family and employment cases. Former chairman of the New Jersey chapter of the American Immigration…

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