Immigration Law

Newly-Licensed Immigrant Drivers in Colorado May Lose Privileges

Over the last few years approximately ten states have begun to issue driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants residing in those states. Having a driver’s license provides the ability and security for these new licensees to travel to work and maintain their employment so they can provide adequately for their families. But in at least one state, this capacity to drive legally may soon be undermined. Since it started issuing driver’s licenses in August of last year,…

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DHS Funding Bill Intending to Block Obama’s Immigration Measures Fails Part Two

The attempt by members of the Republican majority in both houses of Congress to use the annual budget of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a tool to reverse the immigration measures taken by executive action of President Obama last November may be running out of steam. At first House Republicans floated the idea of shutting down the government in December unless provisions which accomplished such action were not part of an omnibus budget bill…

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Number of Immigrant Businesses Should Rise in Wake of Executive Order

According to firm that provides loans to small businesses, the company currently has to turn away hundreds of applications each year because the applicants cannot comply with Small Business Administration (SBA) rules that require such loans only to go to individuals who have the legal status to work in this country.   According to many experts including Ramit Arora of Bix2Credit, New York City potentially could see a surge of hundreds or thousands of new small businesses…

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USCIS Announces Semi-Annual Cap Met for H-2B Visas

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services just reported that, as of January 26, 2015, the congressionally mandated H-2B cap for the first half of fiscal year (FY) 2015 has been reached. H-2B Visas are issued to temporary non-agricultural workers from foreign countries every year. The program enables employers having difficulty finding employees for positions available at their firms to fill them with workers from overseas that have the requisite skills for the job. January 26, 2015 was…

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Half of the States Seek Injunction to Halt President’s Executive Order

Attorneys for the State of Texas went in to federal court this week to argue that President Obama’s executive action on immigration, announced last November, is illegal and that immigration officials who enforce the new measures will be breaking the law. Along with about half of the states, the attorneys for the large border state had the opportunity for oral argument in the U.S. District Court in Brownsville, Texas which itself resides on the southern border with Mexico.…

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DHS Funding Bill Intending to Block Obama’s Immigration Measures Fails

The United State Senate failed for the second time to pass a bill funding the Department of Homeland Security which also contained provisions which would undo President Obama’s executive order issued last November regarding immigration. This bill, passed originally by the House of Representatives as a means to reverse the President’s directives opening up the opportunity for many undocumented immigrants to stay and work in the United States on a temporary basis, did not secure the…

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N.Y.C Issues Municipal IDs for City’s Residents Including Undocumented Immigrant

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio just announced a municipal identification card program which offers all residents regardless of immigration status a form of ID that is valid for interactions with city government and law enforcement agencies. The card will be accepted as valid primary identification at some city banks and credit unions, city government buildings, schools and hospitals that require photo ID. Supporters of the program believe it will serve as a model for other cities…

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Bill in the House Unlikely to Roll Back Executive Actions on Immigration

Since President Obama announced his executive order in November of last year deferring deportations for certain groups of undocumented immigrants now in the country and allowing them to apply for temporary work permits, the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives has not been bashful about expressing its views on the move. Calling it an illegal overreach by the executive branch of government, various members of the majority caucus in that legislative body have promoted various…

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Cancellation of Secure Communities Gives Some Immigrants A New Chance

Among the directives advanced by President Obama’s executive order issued in November of last year was the termination of the Secure Communities program. When hatched in 2008 during the previous administration, Secure Communities connected local and state police departments across the country with federal immigration enforcement. As Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents became aware that certain undocumented immigrants were charged with any crimes, misdemeanors or felonies, ICE would issue a detainer to the local law…

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Police Chiefs & Sheriffs’ Groups Back Legality of Obama’s Immigration Order

Prior to last week’s hearing in Texas where attorneys for half of the country’s states asked a federal judge to find that President Obama’s executive order pertaining to immigration is illegal, two national police chiefs' associations and 27 individual police chiefs and sheriffs filed a brief supporting its legality. The amicus (friend of the court) brief was signed by the police chiefs of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia and Denver, and the sheriffs of Dallas County…

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