
10 Important Facts About Green Cards

Green Card Holders are also called LPR's or Lawful Permanent Residents. A Green Card Holder is NOT a U.S. Citizen, which means that they may not vote, serve on a jury, and cannot possess an American Passport. A Green Card is a privilege which means that one must maintain a high level of moral conduct and comportment whilst residing in the United States.  A Green Card may be withdrawn and the Green Card Holder may be…

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Economic Forecasting Firms Say Clinton’s Immigration Plan Would Help Economy

According to Mark Zandi, the Chief Economist at Moody's Analytics, Hillary Clinton's pro-immigration positions, which include a pathway to citizenship for individuals already in the country and increasing legal immigration, are projected to significantly increase the gross domestic product (GDP) with an estimated $489 billion boost to the economy by the year 2026. According to extensive analytical calculations conducted by Moody's, a well-respected firm which has been a leading voice in monitoring and analyzing the economy…

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Pro-immigration Initiatives At The State And Local Levels

With congressional and executive actions stalled, and given the current political climate with contentious immigration debates, the question that is often asked is if immigration reform will ever be possible.  Given years of federal inaction in Washington, it appears that changes will, at least in the short run, have to occur at the State and local levels.  Many immigration advocates have expressed concern that our country has been too fixated on an immigration reform strategy at…

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Studies Show Immigrants Less Likely To Engage In Criminal Behavior

In an effort to comprehend the link between immigration and crime, anecdotes are no substitute for substantiated evidence. The Republican National Convention strategically presented two mothers whose sons were killed by undocumented immigrants in an attempt to give the impression that immigrants are more likely to commit violent crimes. Despite political propaganda and efforts by individuals who are anti-immigrant to instill fear, prejudice, and stereotyping about immigrants, a report by the American Immigration Council (AIC) finds…

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Proposed Entrepreneur Rule For Immigrant Start-up Founders

Last Wednesday, Department of Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson signed a new proposed rule from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in which certain immigrant founders of start-up companies may receive temporary permission to stay in the United States.  These entrepreneurs would be allowed to work in the United States for up to five years if they have already started a business within the last three years, plan to create a new business in this country,…

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Expansion Of 601A Unlawful Presence Waiver

The accrual of unlawful presence in the United States has devastating effects on both foreign nationals and their qualifying relatives due to the threat of separation. Thousands of immigrants currently eligible for permanent residence through a family member are required to leave the United States to attend an interview at the United States Embassy in their country of origin. For many, this journey of departing the United States triggers a bar which essentially prohibits them from…

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Immigration Court Backlog Reaches Half Million Pending Cases

The Immigration Court backlog has reached half a million pending cases. Specifically, the Justice Department's Executive Office for Immigration Review confirmed that there are now 500,051 pending immigration cases in the agency's courts, which represents a steady rise in recent years. Edward Shulman, Esq., founder of The Shulman Law Group, a New Jersey immigration law firm, was asked what this backlog means practically.  He stated: "it breaks my heart to learn that many of my immigrant…

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Spanish-speaking Vice Presidential Running Mate Tim Kaine Is Pro Immigration

Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia has been selected as Hillary Clinton's Vice-Presidential running mate.  The choice of Kaine has immigration advocates and the Hispanic community at large exceedingly energized and hopeful.  The reasons for the enthusiastic support of Kaine are essentially fourfold: 1) Kaine has a proven track record of supporting immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship; 2) Kaine is fluent in Spanish and prides himself on speaking directly to and with Hispanics; 3) Kaine…

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Department Of Justice Petitioned Supreme Court To Re-hear DACA/DAPA

Following the disheartening Supreme Court deadlock last month on President Obama's immigration executive actions, which included such proposed programs as DAPA and Expanded DACA, there were many advocacy groups highlighting the unfairness of having conducted a hearing without a full Bench due to the political maneuver of Senate Republicans who refused to appoint a successor to Justice Scalia. On July 18, in a surprising move, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) petitioned the Supreme Court…

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Clinton Vows To Expand President Obama’s Immigration Executive Action

Following a deadlocked Supreme Court decision last month that effectively terminated President Obama’s immigration Executive Order, Hillary Clinton has vowed to restore the program which would have protected the parents of children who are in the country legally and expand benefits to people who were brought to the United States as children.  In fact, in a speech before the National Convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens last Thursday, she strongly expressed her intention…

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