A new paper published in the Journal on Migration and Human Security, and released in March of 2016 by the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS), offers a statistical analysis of the potential beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) program, the original Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program implemented in 2012 (“original DACA), and the expanded DACA program announced in 2014. Most striking was the finding that the majority of DAPA and DACA eligible individuals have lived in the United States for 10 years or more, are fruitfully embedded in the labor force with high employment rates, speak English well, very well, or exclusively, have at least a high school degree, have access to the computer and internet, have extensive U.S. family ties, and are deeply rooted in their local school, work, and church communities. According to the authors of this study, these factors are highly predictive of their future offerings to U.S. society.
The conclusions of the study demonstrate that DACA and DAPA eligible individuals are already anchored and contributory to U.S. society, suggesting that should DAPA and Expanded DACA be allowed to move forward, these individuals would no doubt continue to help and be productive members of U.S. society. While other analyses by the Congressional Budget Office, the Social Security Administration, and the Council of Economic Advisors have confirmed that there is much to gain economically from enabling Expanded DACA and DAPA-eligible populations to work lawfully, this new study by CMS illustrates the potential positive social, environmental, familial, and societal impact. According to Donald Kerwin, the Executive Director of CMS and the co-author of the report “The data in this report shows that these groups have built equities in our country. Giving them protection would….enhance their ability to contribute to their communities,.
Beyond understanding the positive societal and economic benefits of DAPA and Expanded DACA, the Shulman Law Group, one of the nation’s premier Immigration Law firms, agrees wholeheartedly with the report findings of the Center for Migration Studies and the conclusions drawn about the import of keeping families together. Our firm has already assisted many individuals in obtaining the Original DACA and has witnessed firsthand the positive impact it has had on their fiscal, familial, employment, and societal functioning. Should expanded DACA and DAPA be allowed to move forward, we know that this would serve to inspire and empower the immigrant community to continue to serve and be of great benefit to U.S. society in general.